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東京日本橋にて、3rdレグを開始しました!ここから京都三条大橋に至る東海道。五十三の宿場町を順次回ります。 天下人家康は、関ケ原の翌年一六○一年伝馬制を施き、五街道を徹底整備して、幕藩体制を確立させていきました。 京と東国を結ぶ古くからの大幹線道路は、これにより一層の発展を遂げ、太平の時代、武士、僧侶、商人、市民、あらゆる階層の人々が それぞれの理由で東海道を往来しました。参勤交代の大名行列が、芭蕉が広重が、弥次・喜多さんが、かつて歩いた東海道、極力その旧道を、 これから僕も旅したいと思います。始点、日本橋に立つと、道を追いかけ、時代を追いかける先の旅路に、気持ちが昂ぶりました。 橋の真ん中の道路元標をカメラに収めて、出くわした同類の徒歩旅の人と、道中の安全を祈り合い、旅は新たなレグに突入です。


3rd Reg was begun in Tokyo Nihonbashi. Tokaido from here to Kyoto Sanjou-Oohashi Bridge. It turns one by one round the stage of 53. Whole country person Ieyasu did thorough maintenance, and had the shogunate system established ....Den'umasei of next year of the barrier Ke field for 16*1 years.. giving.. and 5 highways. Further development was accomplished, and, as a result, people of the samurai, the priest, the merchant, the citizens, and all hierarchies came and went to a large trunk road from old where the capital was connected with the eastern country in Tokaido for each reason in a peaceful age. Basho is Hiroshige, and Ts and Mr. Kita travel and I want also to travel around the old road .. Tokaido where it walked.. as much as possible in the future before the travel of the daimyo procession of the attendance by turns at the shougun's court. The road is run after when standing in the starting point and Nihonbashi, and feelings are Takashi . in a previous journey course where the age is run after. A road former signpost at the center of the bridge is photographed, the person of encounter the same kind of walking travel prays for safety on the way each other, and travel is rushing into to new Reg.

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